Connectivity Stats

Live Network Connectivity Information for HLR Lookups

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Instructions This page provides live network connectivity statistics of the HLR Lookups platform. The below samples originate from a random sub-set of our recent traffic and are regenerated daily.

How to detect live HLR connectivity?
Inspect the CONNECTED and ABSENT fields of a mobile network operator below to determine whether the platform has connectivity to that network on a particular route. A high percentage of CONNECTED numbers coupled with a low percentage of ABSENT numbers indicates that live HLR queries are functional.

How to detect MNP connectivity?
A percentage of 100% CONNECTED numbers indicates that the route only supports MNP information for the network. This can only happen only hybrid routes (e.g. IP1, IP4) or exclusive mobile number portability (MNP) routes (e.g. PTX). Inspect our routing options for more information on live HLR, hybrid, and MNP featues.

How to detect lack of connectivity?
A percentage of 100% UNDETERMINED numbers indicates that the route has currently no connectivity to the network.

Please contact your account manager if you find anything missing or have questions.

Connectivity Status Description
CONNECTED Indicates that the number is valid and the target handset is currently connected to the mobile network (and reachable).
ABSENT Indicates that the number is valid but the target handset is currently switched off or out of network reach.
INVALID_MSISDN Indicates that the number is not currently assigned to any subscriber on the mobile network or otherwise invalid.
UNDETERMINED Indicates that the connectivity status could not be determined and the connectivity status is unknown. This can be caused by invalid numbers, due to lack of connectivity to the target network operator, or other exceptions and errors.



  • MNO MCCMNC Route n - - - -

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